Sat Dec 24 '16 Announcement
about 8 years ago
– Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 07:39:36 AM
Hello backers!
Sorry we did not make it in time for you to enjoy Forever Flask for Christmas but here is a letter for those who asked for one to put under the tree if you wanted to give Forever Flask to somebody.
We're making good progress, are busy testing the pre-production engineering samples and listing required modifications.
For examples threads need to be made thicker and bigger for better action and less sticking and mis-threading, the outer "skin" will be made a little thicker for more strength (at extra cost to us) and so on.
We a thermal camera also for the testing to see if there are any issues and if so - where.
Will keep you posted of progress and thanks for your continued support!
Here is the letter:
And a picture of the flasks.
Merry Christmas and here's to an amazing 2017!
Fri Dec 9 '16 Announcement
about 8 years ago
– Fri, Dec 09, 2016 at 09:46:47 AM
Hello again backers (and not only)!
We have good and bad news.
The good news
The good news is that the test set of 10 pre-production, engineering samples are ready and here are the photos.
We will be testing these for heat retention, operation in sub zero temperatures, steel hardness testing, 316 purity and a few other things before proceeding to start production.
We're getting the survey sorted and will send it shortly.
The KickStarter one was done earlier last week and we have 92% of the answer now.
Look out for the IGG one and please answer promptly!
The bad news
The bad news is that mold making took longer than planned and that we're only looking to start production in about 1-2 weeks time, which will take us into mid February to start shipping.
This is a pessimistic date and we might be able to move it forward - but we hope it won't any more further out than that.
The reasons for the delays are just that molds for the various parts had to be adjusted and some re-made several times due to the complexity of the product - before there were flasks that as a whole came together right.
Various features - like all parts being vacuumed for better heat retention, flask mouth being rounded and not sharp, metal on metal threading - and so on - took a while to get right. From the 100 flasks pre-production engineering run that were made, only 10 made it past quality control.
From the final, initially OK'd 10 flasks - lids for 10 were scrapped due to them failing the vacuum test and had to be re-made (another week just for this).
Now that the factory knows how to make all the parts the right way, the molds will be adjusted one final time and when production starts we hope scrap rates will be much lower.
We're as sorry and unhappy about this as you are but it is what it is and we're not blaming the factory - who worked very hard at getting us to where we are! We hope you share our view of this also.
The next update will be in about 3 weeks time to publish our test results and advise of production starting.
All the best,
Mike Dewhirst
Tue Nov 29 '16 Announcement
about 8 years ago
– Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 01:52:44 PM
Hello backers!
Apologies for the slight delay but as I keep saying this was/is a very complex product/project and the factory found it very challenging to make all the parts to the exact design and specs we imposed.
The good news is that they're almost there with all of the mould making, production set up, weld testing and other steps are almost complete.
Feast your eyes on the hot off the press latest results!
Next week the pre-production engineering samples will be ready, which we will test aggressively, including heat retention, ease of screwing lids on and off - when hot and cold, gasket/o-ring leakage and everything else we have to do before we starting making 1000+ flasks!
Exciting times.
Wed Nov 23 '16 Announcement
about 8 years ago
– Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 04:33:13 AM
Hello backers!
Production update
Good progress in China - final pieces falling into place and we're super close now to the pre-production / engineering samples being ready. Here is the latest that we have:
We are still on track to start shipping 20th of Dec but of course there is risk with manufacturing as we've not yet seen a final working sample, not seen scrap rates and there are still a few steps remaining before we can say production is set up and running smoothly.
Sat Oct 15 '16 Announcement
over 8 years ago
– Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 01:19:26 PM
Hello everybody!
We've been busy and production has started - moulds are about half way there and are being tested. The rest should be complete mid-November, at which point we'll crack on with producing all the backer flasks.
Here are photos of the moulds, some sample parts (of the main flask body) and the factory workers - in response to some concerns about the factory working conditions.
Good progress so far and we'll keep you posted!
Mike Dewhirst
Water expansion test shots
Inner layer expansions moulds
Some of the moulds
Factory worker on bottom cap welding
Factory workers on final packaging (of another product)